Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eric Sandoval

People die everyday. It's a fact of life. Something I personally don't have to deal with very often.

It's very common for people to glorify someone after they have passed away. People tend to forget all the bad things that person did. As it turns out, he deserves this. He really was a good person.... No need to sugar coat his existence; he was made of sugar.

With that said, I'd like to tell you about him and what he was to me. His name was Eric Sandoval. I met him as "Aryk" about 13 years ago. I've adored Aryk since the day I met him. I think he had this effect on everyone, especially girls. Our relationship was mostly long distance. When I was able to see him it was always just the two of us. It's not like we live in a small town or anything, but Aryk was friends with everyone. All the people I knew, he knew. After all, he was charismatic, charming, funny, clever & unique, he was simply addictive. But I don't recall ever socializing as a "group." So, I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise to me that the person who emailed me, to inform me of his passing, asked who I was. I sadly responded with a "I'm no one." But this isn't true.

Aryk and I had a special relationship. We always have. He was important to me and I was important to him. I saw how wonderful he was the day we met. I thought about him constantly for a long time. I would tell my mom "I'm gonna marry him someday." I was 14. I'm 27 now and we never got married. Oddly, we had talked about it about four months ago. We carried on a long conversation about moving in together and starting a new life with each other and leaving all the garbage of our pasts behind us. That conversation ended with "That would be nice wouldn't it? Too bad it's unrealistic." And that was the last time I spoke to him. Aryk and I have danced for 13 years. We cared for each other, we loved each other.... He had a way of making you feel special. I know for a fact I wasn't the only person he dreamed with. If Eric could have made 1000 of himself he would have; just to have the capability of experiencing life 1000 different ways, places, and with 1000 different people.

His heart was so big; he was capable of loving many and making many special. This wasn't an act. There was room for you to have a special place in his heart.... and in return he nestled in to his own special spot in yours. I can't think of anyone who was "no one" to him. I can think of someone who was held above everyone else. He loved her unconditionally, endlessly, and thought the world of her. That was his mother. Eric was very family oriented. Nothing was more important to him than his family. But, I don't need to point that out; I think he showed that quite well all on his own.

 He laughed a laugh you couldn't forget the sound of if you tried. He had a smile that was contagious. He changed my life. I'm so glad I was able to tell him that. I think he changed a lot of lives. I loved his unique view on things. He thrived because he was different. He spread his happiness as if it were air born. I've never met anyone like him.

I named my daughter Raevyn. The spelling of her name would have been different if I had never met Aryk. I'm glad I'll always have that as a constant reminder of him. He will always be remembered, cherished, loved, and missed by myself and so many others.... quite possibly everyone who was lucky enough to know him.

So, I'm stealing this last part. It was in the memorial of another friend of mine, also named "Erick." I can't help but include it because it fits so well.

You are not given the people you want. You are given the people you need; To love you, To hurt you, To make you laugh & To make you cry, To teach you, To guide you & leave you.  You are given the people who will mold you into the person you were meant to be.  

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